A new start after 60: ‘I gave up marijuana after a lifetime of smoking – and began to dream again’

Jodie Sharp’s weed habit made her lungs hurt and her gums bleed. Two years ago, she quit almost by accident – and her life was transformed

Jodie Sharp’s days were all broken up the same way. “I smoked to go to work, smoked to do the washing-up, smoked for chill time.” Smoking marijuana “was a totally regular habit and every time I did it, I was smoking in exactly the same way, getting the same experience all over again.”

Sharp used a little metal pipe, and she often ran her tongue over the hard skin on her lip where the pipe sat. Her lungs hurt, her gums bled. She slept poorly and had no dream function. “I thought, ‘This is crazy. Why am I doing this at this time of my life?’”

Has your life taken a new direction after the age of 60?

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